Monday, March 27, 2006

in other news...

The Cabrillo Women's Locker room has updated their equipment. Soapy Soap dispensers now annoint the places above the sinks, where the drab, brownish gray, uninviting soap dispensers once resided. Life has changed. hand hygiene is now a fun, inviting experience. I look foward to my encounter with the Soapy Soap ghost, yet to come this wednesday.

Bill and Josie are workin on a pheasant puzzle.

n. pl. pheas·ants or pheasant
Any of various Old World birds of the family Phasianidae, especially the ring-necked pheasant introduced in North America, characteristically having long tails and, in the males of many species, brilliantly colored plumage.
Any of several other birds that resemble the pheasant, such as the partridge.

Chris still likes his union suit. its red.

Tonight at dinner we talked about smart things, like bitches and hoes. And history and something about Greece. Men vs women. NLS. Oh yeah, the eating tonight was a heartyparty. Thanks to Beeell and his hearty stew. VEGANISMS YEEHAW. Kudos to special guest Jason, for the EXCELLENT appetizer. much tasties. Thank you!

Also, wedding singer is a funny movie. and there was a really friggin scary 'Double take style' lady with lots of cake make-up scary eye liner hella red lip stick what the sh** at Trader Joe's. Something was not right.

Aight then, we miss you.

-lefites 06

1 Real Talk:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

the other day i ended up at target, which tends to happen a lot because it's nearby the puppy store, and because i like..realllly like browsing. and i thought, if i could get anything right now what would it be? and i decided it was a puzz-3d, but didn't get one because i'm size broke. also because i already have two. my overall point being..i also really enjoy puzzles. so there that is.
-your #1 fan

12:22 AM  

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